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Test Code MVP Vaginosis Panel by PCR



Specimen Requirements

Genital specimens require an XPERT Swab Specimen Collect Kit.  Kits can be obtained by calling Client Services at (256)265-2522 or 800-278-0588


Vaginal (Females only)

Collect specimen as follows:

1.  Insert the plastic-shafted swab (wooden-shafted swabs are unacceptable) about 5 cm (2 inches) into the vaginal opening

2.  Gently turn the swab for about 30 seconds while rubbing the swab against the wall of the vagina.

3.  Remove the swab carefully.  Do not touch the swab to any surface before placing it into the collection tube.

4.  Break swab in tube using care to avoid splashing.

5.  Screw cap on securely.

6.  Label container with the patient's information, date and actual time of collection, and type of specimen.  

7.  Refrigerate, maintain sterility and forward promptly.



1.  Specimen source is required on request form for processing.

2.  Spermicidal agents and feminine powder sprays interfere with assay and should not be used prior to collection.


Reference Values

Normal: Negative

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday - Friday

CPT Coding


Performing Hospital

Huntsville Hospital Laboratory

Specimen Stability Information

Maximum storage of swab specimen in collection kits is 42 days at 2 - 30° C

Refrigerated specimen preferred.



Bacterial vaginosis organism     103590-6

Candida species                           54142-5

Candida glabrata+krusei             101571-8

Secondary ID

HHA1592 Vaginosis Panel by PCR