Test Code CULTCT Culture, Catheter Tip, IV
Note: Foley catheters are not acceptable for culture.
Specimen Requirements
Specimen must arrive within 1 hour of collection.
1. Disinfect skin around catheter site.
2. Aseptically remove catheter.
3. Aseptically clip 5 cm (2 inches) of the distal tip of catheter
into a sterile, leakproof container.
4. Label container with patient’s information, date and
actual time of collection, and type of specimen.
5. Forward specimen promptly.
Note: 1. Do not submit more than 5 cm (2 inches) of the catheter.
2. Maximum storage of specimen is 24 hours at ambient temperature.
Reference Values
No growth
Day(s) Test Set Up
Monday through Sunday
Performing Laboratory
Huntsville Hospital Laboratory
Test Classification and CPT Coding
87070 - culture, aerobic
87077 - identification, aerobic
87181 - per antibiotic (if appropriate)
87184 - per plate-disk method (if appropriate)
87185 - beta-lactamase (if appropriate)
87186 - per panel-microdilution (if appropriate)